Friday 18 March 2016

Why MicroMedia?

Because my military experience has taught me that the vast majority of advertising and marketing companies have got it wrong. And before anyone asks "What the heck has military experience got to with it?" I'll come to that in a later post.

Everyone appears to be confused as to who is working for who - or more importantly, who owns who? The MicroMedia tag line is:
  • Use the media...?
  • Own the media.
  • Be the media...!
It's just basic supply and demand. The media provides products for you to consume. But if you don't consume (demand) those products, they've got no one to supply.

Let's take it a step further. The media needs stories. Those stories become products. So where do they get the stories? In the case of drama and situation comedies, they'll have a bank of writers. But let's take the extreme example of reality television - it's the participants that provide the stores, the media companies just package (and sometimes exaggerate) them.

I'm not suggesting you or your company need to get yourself onto a reality television programme - so let's look at the news. News reportage is just telling stories. So where do they get their stories?

From you.

Everyone - every company, every individual - has a story to tell. A night at the pub would be rather boring without them. But is your story worth anything to the media?

I was once told by a well-respected newspaper journalist, that the media are looking for one of 3 things:
  • Exceptional people doing exceptional things.
  • Exceptional people doing ordinary things.
  • Ordinary people doing exceptional things.
Examine that list long and hard and you might be able to form a link between yourself or your organisation to the last of these 3 statements. With MicroMedia's assistance, I can show you that when you really examine what you are doing - you're the first.

Let's go back and revisit supply and demand. You are supplying the stories. The media have a demand for those stories - otherwise they have nothing to package to supply to their audiences.

So now we're in a situation where you're the supplier and the media are the demander. Or as MicroMedia put it - You 'Own the Media'.

Now you've got 2 options:
  • You can supply the media.
  • You can 'Be the Media'.
And I say, do both.

Now, explain to me again why you need to be reliant on marketing and advertising companies? 

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